What Makes Coffee Taste Amazing? Find Out Here! 🌟☕

Over the last 35 years, I’ve had thousands of cups of coffee, and honestly, the majority of those were pretty bad. 🙁

So what exactly does make a great cup of coffee? Is it subjective or are there empirical measures we can be guided by?

Good coffee should taste balanced and satisfying, with a pleasing harmony between sweetness, acidity, bitterness, and mouthfeel, complemented by a distinct aroma.

Join me as I explore the elements that go into making the perfect cuppa joe, so you can ensure the next coffee you sit down to enjoy has the best chance of being amazing…

What Does Good Coffee Taste Like?
What Does Good Coffee Taste Like?

Qualities of Good Coffee


The aroma is an essential part of a good cup of coffee. A good quality coffee should have a strong, pleasant aroma that smells fresh and inviting. This is typically the first indicator of a great coffee experience, so take a moment to enjoy the scent before taking your first sip.

Flavor Profile

A good coffee should have a well-balanced and complex flavor profile, which can include notes of chocolate, fruit, nuttiness, or spice. These flavors should be harmonious and complement each other, rather than overpowering any single element.


In terms of coffee, acidity doesn’t refer to actual pH levels but the perceived brightness or crisp sensation on the tip of your tongue. A good coffee should have a pleasant and lively acidity, which can contribute to its overall flavor profile.


The body of a coffee refers to the mouthfeel or weight of the coffee on your tongue. A good coffee should have a rich and full body that is satisfying and enjoyable to drink. This can range from light and delicate to heavy and robust, depending on your personal preference.


A good quality coffee should have a natural sweetness that complements its other flavors, without the need for added sugars or sweeteners. This sweetness can come from the natural sugars in the coffee beans, as well as the caramelization of sugars during the roasting process.


Though some bitterness is expected in coffee, it should be kept in balance with its other flavors. An excessive amount of bitterness can be a sign of over-extraction or over-roasting, which may result in a harsh or burnt taste.

A good coffee should have a subtle and pleasant bitterness, rather than an overwhelming one.


The aftertaste, or finish, of a good coffee should be long-lasting and pleasant, leaving you with a satisfying memory of its flavors. This can range from a lingering sweetness to a smooth, velvety sensation on your palate, depending on the unique characteristics of the coffee.

Types of Coffee Beans

When exploring the world of coffee, it’s essential to understand the different types of beans that contribute to the various flavors and aromas. In this section, we will discuss four main types of coffee beans: Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa.


Arabica beans are the most popular and widely consumed coffee beans in the world. They account for about 60% of global coffee production.

Known for their delicate, sweet flavors and enticing aromas, Arabica beans often exhibit notes of chocolate, caramel, fruit, nut, and floral tones. The taste of Arabica coffee can vary significantly depending on the variety of beans, growing location, and processing method.


Robusta beans come in second in terms of global coffee consumption. They are more bitter and robust compared to Arabica beans, with a higher caffeine content.

Robusta beans are often used in espresso blends due to their strong flavor and crema-producing properties. The taste of Robusta can be described as bold, earthy, and sometimes even slightly rubbery or burnt.


Liberica beans are a less common variety, grown primarily in the Philippines and West Africa. They are larger and have a distinct asymmetrical shape.

Liberica coffee beans offer a unique flavor profile, with a bold, smoky taste and intense, sometimes winey, acidity. The Liberica bean is popular among those seeking an unconventional and exceptional coffee experience.


Excelsa beans, a variation of Liberica beans, are rare and grown mostly in Southeast Asia. They are appreciated for their complex flavors and fruity, tart notes.

Since Excelsa beans are scarce and costly, they are usually blended with other coffee bean varieties to enhance taste profiles. The unique flavors of Excelsa beans can add depth and character to a blend, making them a sought-after component in specialty coffee mixes.

Can Coffee Be Perfect?
Can Coffee Be Perfect?

Roast Levels and Flavors

When it comes to the taste of coffee, the roast level plays a significant role in defining the flavor profile, acidity, and mouthfeel. In this section, we will explore the different roast levels and their flavors, focusing on light roast, medium roast, and dark roast coffees.

Light Roast

Light roast coffee is roasted for a shorter amount of time, resulting in a lighter color and higher levels of acidity.

According to Real Simple, light roasts have a mild taste similar to toasted grain, slightly more caffeine than darker roasts due to the shortened roasting process, and pronounced acidity.

When you drink a light roast, you can expect a fragrant and floral taste, with sweeter notes such as fruits, chocolate, and tea.

Medium Roast

Medium roast coffee offers a balance of flavor, acidity, and body. It has a medium-brown color and is typically characterized by its smooth and balanced characteristics.

As mentioned in Craft Coffee Guru, medium roast coffee is a harmonious blend that can expose the unique flavor notes of the beans while maintaining a pleasant acidity level.

This roast level is perfect for those who want to taste the true essence of the coffee bean without being overpowered by the roast itself.

Dark Roast

Dark roast coffee is roasted for a longer time, creating a dark brown color and recognizable bold flavor. With a lower acidity than lighter roasts, dark roast coffee offers a full body and strong flavor profile.

CoffeeBoon emphasizes that dark roast coffee can have flavor notes ranging from earthy and spicy to chocolatey and smoky. If you’re craving a robust and rich taste, dark roast coffee might be the right choice for you.

As you can see, the roast level of coffee greatly influences the overall taste and experience. By understanding the differences between light, medium, and dark roasts, you can select the right coffee for your preferences and enjoy the perfect cup.

Brewing Techniques for Optimal Taste


When using the pour-over method, start with freshly ground coffee, a filter, and a steady pouring technique. Pour hot water in a circular motion over the grounds to extract the coffee’s flavors evenly.

This will help you achieve a balanced, clean-tasting cup. Make sure your water temperature is between 195°F and 205°F for optimal extraction.

French Press

Using a French press requires patience. Add coarsely ground coffee to the press, and pour hot water over the grounds. Make sure the plunger is placed on top, but do not press it yet.

Let it steep for 4 minutes, and then gently press the plunger. This will help you achieve a full-bodied, rich, and smooth flavor.


To make a great espresso, you must have the right grind size, proper water temperature, and a well-tamped coffee puck. Start by measuring around 18-20g of finely ground coffee.

Tamp it evenly to avoid channeling and ensure even extraction. Brew your espresso shot within 25-30 seconds for a balanced, rich, and robust flavor.

Cold Brew

For a cold brew that is smooth, mild, and less acidic, start with coarsely ground coffee. Add cold water to your grounds in a 1:8 ratio, and let the mixture steep in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. Once it has steeped, strain the liquid to remove the grounds and enjoy your refreshing coffee over ice.

Factors Affecting Coffee Taste

Bean Origin

The taste of your coffee greatly depends on the origin of the coffee beans. Different countries and regions produce beans with distinct flavor profiles.

For example, African coffees like Ethiopian and Kenyan varieties are often characterized by fruity and floral notes, while Latin American coffees like Colombian and Brazilian beans tend to have nutty and chocolatey flavors.

By experimenting with beans from different origins, you can discover the unique tastes that suit your preferences best.

Processing Method

The way coffee beans are processed has a substantial impact on their taste. There are mainly two methods of processing: natural and washed. In the natural method, coffee cherries are dried with their pulp, which imparts a fruity sweetness to the beans.

On the other hand, washed coffees have their cherries removed before drying, resulting in a cleaner, brighter taste. Identifying the processing method of your beans can help you predict the coffee’s flavor profile and choose the one you enjoy the most.


Freshness plays a crucial role in determining the taste of your coffee. As coffee beans age, they lose their flavor and aroma, leading to a stale, dull taste.

To enjoy a great-tasting cup of coffee, make sure to purchase freshly roasted beans and use them within a month. Additionally, it’s important to store your beans in an airtight container away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture to preserve their freshness.

Grind Size

The size of your coffee grounds is another essential factor that affects coffee taste. A finer grind size increases the coffee’s surface area, extracting more flavors during brewing.

Conversely, a coarser grind size reduces the surface area, leading to a weaker extraction. To find the right grind size, consider the brewing method you’re using.

For example, a fine grind works well with espresso machines, while a coarser grind is suitable for French press and pour-over methods. By adjusting the grind size to match your brewing method, you can achieve a balanced and delicious cup of coffee.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you differentiate good and bad coffee?

To differentiate good and bad coffee, pay attention to the taste. Good coffee should have a balance between acidity, sweetness, and bitterness, resulting in a pleasant and complex flavor profile.

In contrast, bad coffee may taste stale, overly bitter, or burnt. The aroma can also help – good coffee has a rich and inviting smell, while bad coffee might lack aroma or have an unpleasant odor.

Are there common characteristics of good coffee?

Yes, there are common characteristics to look for in good coffee. Typically, it has a balance between acidity, sweetness, and bitterness, leading to a harmonious flavor.

It should also bring out the natural flavors of the coffee beans, with a pleasant aroma and a smooth aftertaste. However, remember that personal preferences may vary, so what is considered “good” coffee can be subjective.

What factors contribute to the taste of coffee?

Several factors contribute to the taste of coffee, including the coffee beans’ origin, roast level, and brewing method. Origin plays a significant role, as different regions produce beans with distinct flavors.

The roast level affects the taste, with lighter roasts usually being more acidic and darker roasts having more bitterness and body. Brewing methods can also impact the final taste, as techniques like cold brewing often result in a smoother and less acidic profile.

Does good coffee have a bitter taste?

Bitterness is a natural component of coffee taste, but good coffee should not be excessively bitter. It should have a balanced profile between acidity, sweetness, and bitterness, creating a complex flavor.

If you find your coffee to be too bitter, consider changing the brewing method or choosing a different roast level.

How does the roast level affect coffee taste?

The roast level has a significant impact on coffee’s taste, as it influences the beans’ chemical composition. Light roasts usually have a higher acidity, while medium roasts offer a balance between acidity and bitterness.

Dark roasts, on the other hand, have a more pronounced bitterness, lower acidity, and a fuller body.

Are certain brewing methods better for coffee taste?

Different brewing methods can indeed affect the taste of coffee, and some methods might be more suitable for specific preferences.

For instance, cold brewing tends to produce a less acidic and smoother profile, while a French press may emphasize the body and richness of the coffee. Experimenting with various brewing techniques is the best way to find the one that suits your taste buds best.